'Corporations Pretty Much Control Art': M. Shadows on Why Modern Music Industry Feels Like 'the Wild West'

'You're going to take 24 cents on our dollar and that's all you can do, come up with a fake viral TikTok moment?''

Jun 16, 2024 - 18:30
 0  23
'Corporations Pretty Much Control Art': M. Shadows on Why Modern Music Industry Feels Like 'the Wild West'
'You're going to take 24 cents on our dollar and that's all you can do, come up with a fake viral TikTok moment?''

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MBN Editor Carlos Tabora is a solo piano artist, a Billboard® contest award-winning songwriter and a lifelong professional marketer. He is also the Founder and Editor of the Music Business News Website and his vision is to help other independent artists and musicians make more money with their music and turn their musical passion into a viable music career.